AIG - Award Incentive Group

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Why Is Culture So Important?

We recently participated in a panel discussion, led by industry leaders, on the subject of culture. These are our takeaways.

Culture is extremely important to the overall health of a company and it’s no longer just lip service or simply something to hang on a wall.

  • Culture drives value as demonstrated by behaviors. Vibrant cultures empower employees to do their very best work.

  • Culture drives your brand. Customers trust you for great outcomes and positive experiences.

  • Culture drives turnover. Employees don’t leave jobs, they leave cultures that fail to engage them.

Questions that smart corporations are asking themselves are:

  • How do we drive our strategy through our culture?

  • How do we add value through our culture?

  • How do we scale culture to reach 100,000+ employees, across the globe?

The answers aren’t that difficult in theory.

  1. Alignment of leadership

  2. Alignment of behavior

  3. Alignment to policy and practice

Do you have a platform aligned to your culture? Platform empowers and brings culture/alignment to life.

For more information, please use this link to see the entire panel discussion. It’s well worth your time.